Concealed carry aficionados and enthusiasts know that the Utah Non-resident Concealed Carry Permit is the permit to have. Knowing that your training will exceed the Utah minimum mandated standards, your confidence and knowledge will exceed your expectations. Our instructors have former law enforcement experience and can relate real world experiences and situations to you.  With your Utah Concealed Carry Permit, you'll travel with confidence, for pleasure and/or business, now that you can continue to maintain your personal safety across town, across the state or across the country, being able to carry in more states across the country than most other concealed carry permit. Student candidates must complete the entire approved classroom course with a Utah State Certified Instructor. Delaware Firearms Training has a Utah certified instructor on staff with former law enforcement experience.
This is a 6\7 hour class (classroom lecture only, processing time for photo & fingerprinting not included in the classroom time by Utah law), and your investment is only $155.00 (not including State of Utah processing fee), which includes the following:  Complete 55-page printed book (required by Utah), notepaper, pens, highlighters,   APPLICATION, PASSPORT PHOTO and FINGERPRINT CARD COMPLETED, and we even UPS\FEDEX the completed Application package to the State of Utah the next business day.  Coffee & Donuts are served in the morning, and lunch, where applicable, is included.
The course elements, as mandated by the State of Utah, Bureau of Criminal Identification, are exceeded and cover many different aspects of firearms safety and ownership, transportation of firearms (intra & interstate), laws and legal responsibilities, and our NEWEST ADDITION-- CONCEALED CARRY CONCEPTS. If you already have your Delaware or Pennsylvania Permit, adding this Utah Permit allows you to carry your handgun concealed in over 30 states! (If you're a New Jersey or Maryland resident, you'll need to add Florida -- contact us for details.)
Please check the State of Utah's website for current resident and non resident rates.
The fees to apply for a concealed firearm permit are $53.25 for Utah residents and $63.25 for non-residents as of 01-01-2022.  Please make checks and money orders payable to the “Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification.” All major credit cards accepted for your permit.
Utah Concealed Carry
The most complete course in the area.
Taught by Former Law Enforcement Officers with real world situational experiences.  
Mark Garfinkel
or call  302-528-5940
(Revised 12-11-2012)

Delaware Firearms